Collect useful sentences in Papers (9)

Independent of the quality of the sensors used, the error in the
position estimate based on dead-reckoning information grows
without bound

Errors as low as 0.1% can be obtained with large and
expensive INS systems, but for vehicles relying only on a compass and a speed estimate, errors can be as high as 20%.

surfacing the AUV can obtain a position update through its
GPS, but this is impossible (under ice) or undesirable for many

The motivation behind our research is to enable multiple
AUVs to cooperatively navigate.

The concept of portable landmarks as outlined in Kurazume et al. (1994) is not feasible as it is often
difficult for an AUV to hold its position, especially in strong

The objective for our work is to develop and test an algorithm for cooperative positioning of multiple mobile undersea
vehicles that can use acoustic modems concurrently for both
ranging and for communication (Freitag et al. 2001)


Bahr, A., Leonard, J. J., & Fallon, M. F. (2009). Cooperative localization for autonomous underwater vehicles. The International Journal of Robotics Research28(6), 714-728.


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