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Cooperative localization has been an active area
of research (e.g., [
29]) because it provides several potential advantages, including increased localization accuracy, sensor coverage, robustness,
efficiency, and flexibility.

These algorithms can be used either
in centralized [6] or decentralized manner [3, 10,13].

For the localization errors to be bounded, it is required that the system be observable,
independent of the estimation technique being

approximation of a nonlinear system can provide
different structural properties regarding the observability.

They compared the observability
properties of range and bearing measurements
and showed that with either type of measurement,
the maximum rank of the observability matrix is
three, i.e., not fully observable. 

In our previous work [1], we have extended 


Sharma, R., Quebe, S., Beard, R. W., & Taylor, C. N. (2013). Bearing-only cooperative localization. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems72(3-4), 429-440.


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