Collect useful sentences in Papers (12)

Second, we assume that each robot is
equipped with a
robot sensor that allows it to measure the
relative pose and identity of nearby robots; robot sensors
can he readily constructed using cameras and/or scanning
laser range finders in combination with coded fiducials
placed on the robots.

The chief drawback of the approach is its computational
cost: particle filters are relatively expensive,

some authors have also considered the related problem
of map building with multiple robots
[14]. All of these
authors make use of statistical or probabilistic techniques;
the common tools of choice are Kalman filters, particle
filters, maximum likelihood estimation and expectation

While our approach does not require such explicit cooperation on the part of robots, the accuracy of localization can
certainly be improved by the adoption of such strategies.


Howard, A., Mataric, M. J., & Sukhatme, G. S. (2003, September). Putting the'I'in'team': An ego-centric approach to cooperative localization. In Robotics and Automation, 2003. Proceedings. ICRA'03. IEEE International Conference on (Vol. 1, pp. 868-874). IEEE.


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