Collect useful sentences in Papers (10)

Dead reckoning based on these
sensors suffers from a problem of unbounded navigation error
growth over time. 

The idea of cooperative localization with a few vehicles
that know their position well and other AUVs with poor
navigational sensors is not new.

Cooperative AUVs typically need to communicate in order
to cooperate.

Although all of these authors acknowledge that the
relative motion of the beacon vehicle and the survey AUVs is
key to having single beacon range-only navigation perform
well, the problem of determining the optimal path of the
beacon vehicle given the desired path of the survey AUVs has
received little attention

Although [8] assumes that the path of the beacon
vehicle is produced in such a way that it improves the position
estimate of the survey AUV, we do not present the algorithm
to do so in that paper.

The work presented
here is complementary and may be used with many of the
range-only position estimation algorithms previously proposed
by other researchers (e.g. [4], [8])


Chitre, M. (2010, June). Path planning for cooperative underwater range-only navigation using a single beacon. In Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS), 2010 International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE.


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