Collect useful sentences in Papers (1)

To enable closed-loop feedback control for autonomous operation, UAVs need an accurate estimate of their position and attitude with respect to the surrounding environment.

The GPS position update is critical to the functioning of such an architecture.

However, these sensors typically rely on the emission and reception of a signal to determine range which is sometimes undesirable if the vehicle needs to remain undetected.

However, these sensors typically rely on the emission and reception of a signal to determine range which is sometimes undesirable if the vehicle needs to remain undetected.

a camera is a standard payload on any surveillance and reconnaissance UAV 

An integrated vision-aided INS (V-INS) navigation system is passive, and hence not easily prone to jamming or detection 

Aerial vehicles have fast dynamics, are resource constrained, and rotorcraft/VTOL UAVs are unstable in position and/or attitude.  This coupling makes it desirable to incorporate inertial measurements from the IMU rather than relying on purely camera-based monocular SLAM

UAVs typically have strict payload and power constraints that limit the computational power available onboard, limiting the class of vision-based navigation techniques that can be practically applied

While their goals are similar to those presented in this paper, 

Furthermore, the flight-test results of the stereo system, presented by Haines (2011), do not demonstrate the extended flight distances and durations demonstrated in our paper 

The key missing element was 

Weiss et al. (2011) described an impressive monocular slam implementation and LQR controller

Hence, while the results in this work are impressive, this approach does not conclusively provide a comprehensive solution to the vision-aided navigation and control problem 

There is an ongoing debate in the SLAM community about the superiority of EKF-SLAM versus PTAM and keyframe-based algorithms.

Attempts have been made to resolve which approach is better 


Leading techniques for vision-aided navigation was not used in GPS-denied closed-loop waypoint-following flight and/or GPS-denied landing

they were validated through simulation only

most results were implemented on ground vehicles, which have slower and stable dynamics and any closed-loop flight tests were conducted in controlled environments 


Chowdhary, G., Johnson, E. N., Magree, D., Wu, A., & Shein, A. (2013). GPS‐denied Indoor and Outdoor Monocular Vision Aided Navigation and Control of Unmanned Aircraft. Journal of Field Robotics30(3), 415-438.


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