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Outdoor ground vehicle navigation was explored by Shockley [3]

These sources still corrupt measurements, but to a much lesser extent

The act of increasing altitude essentially acts as a low pass filter on Earth’s magnetic field. This loss of frequency information degrades navigation accuracy, which is why at satellite altitudes navigation accuracy using magnetic fields is so low.

magnetic anomaly maps, which capture the highest frequency components of Earth’s magnetic field, are widely available around the globe.

Terrain systems can only operate over the one-third of Earth covered by land. High-frequency spatial features in the magnetic anomaly field exist over both land and water. This is also true for desert-like environments with very little terrain height variation – magnetic anomaly maps still contain the needed high-spatial frequency content needed to navigate

Alternative systems such as vision-aided navigation systems often rely on daylight and weather conditions to operate.

Another benefit of magnetic anomaly navigation is the fact that the instrumentation for making magnetic measurements is mature.

OPC magnetometers are extremely accurate absolute instruments. Gravity gradiometry systems are limited by the relatively poor accuracy of existing sensors [13]

jamming a magnetic anomaly navigation system would be more difficult than jamming radio frequency (RF)-based navigation systems.

Magnetic anomaly maps are often accurately modeled as a a grid of magnetic dipoles. When moving away from an RF source, signals decrease in magnitude at a rate of r^2. When moving away from a magnetic dipole, the magnitude of the signal decreases as a rate of r^5 [14].


Canciani, A., & Raquet, J. (2016). Absolute positioning using the Earth's magnetic anomaly field. Navigation63(2), 111-126.


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